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A tax-friendly and somewhat worry-free outlook on your future, that's what pension saving is about.

Only available via our app!

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Pension saving

Say yes to a worry-free retirement

With 'pension saving' you are investing monthly or yearly in a pension fund to complement your legal pension. You already get a nice tax benefit of 25% or 30% which makes this way of investing rather exceptional.

The potential profit depends on the evolution of the markets. This type of fund consists of funds and shares, which means that there is no guaranteed minimum return.

Investing in a pension savings fund: how does it work?

The sooner you start with saving for your pension, the better! Want to get an optimal tax benefit? Start before the age of 55.

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    Pay less taxes

    Pension saving has two maximum tax-efficient amounts

    • When you invest
      you get a 30% tax benefit of maximum
    • When you invest
      you get a 25% tax benefit of maximum

    The tax-efficient maximum amount of your choice will to a large extent depend on the amount you want to invest.

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    3 pension savings funds

    Each of the 3 funds has a different investment style.

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    Yes, costs and fees are to be paid

    3% entry fees are to be paid on each investment. There are also management fees, operating costs and transaction costs, yet they are already implied in the net asset value of the fund of your choice:

    There are no exit fees.

    * Calculated on 31 December 2023

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    …and taxes of course

    Yes, pension savings are subject to a final tax at the rate of 8%. If you want to take the money out of your pension savings contract (before your 60th birthday), it more or less means that you will lose your tax benefit.

    More details about the taxes are to be found in our frequently asked questions.

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    Risks are inherent to investing

    Investing in a pension savings fund is saying yes to a number of risks. Either these risks are bound to the equity markets or they concern your return and invested capital, the creditworthiness of the issuer, the exchange rates of certain assets, the liquidity of the fund itself or inflation.

    There is no investing in your future (such as your retirement) without risks. Read more.

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    At your fingertips

    From opening to management of your monthly or free deposits... your pension saving starts in our app. A regular checking of your invested capital is literally in your own hands.

    Download on the App StoreDownload on Google Play

3 pension savings funds, 3 different investment styles

Choose the fund that suits you the most. Make sure to read all info and related documents before making an investment decision.

Conditions to be able to open a pension savings account:

You areYou know
- Belgian citizen or a citizen of another member of the European Economic Area with Belgium as fiscal address;
- that the contract must last at least 10 years
- al least 18 years old and less than 65 years old when you open the contract
- that you can ony have 1 pension savings account on your name at our bank
- the sole holder of a private account

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