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What is Zoomit and how does it work?

What is Zoomit?

Zoomit is a free bank service in your Intenet Banking. You are free to use the service or not. Thanks to Zoomit you will quickly have access to your invoices and salary slips.

If you need to pay your invoice you do not need to re-enter the payment in your Internet Banking. A pre-filled transfer form will simplify your work. You only need to approve or refuse the payment.

In this way you manage your payments quickly and efficiently in Internet Banking. More transparency and control. And what's more, you are working in an environmental-friendly way and you are losing less time in administrative burdens.

How does Zoomit work?

Zoomit enables you to view, manage and pay your invoices from your Internet Banking application. Zoomit also gives you access to your payslips and other documents linked to your financial transactions.

When a supplier sends you a document via Zoomit, you will see the Zoomit icon displayed in your online banking application. Simply click on this icon or on the word Zoomit to view the document.

How do I accept a document for the first time from a new sender?

As soon as the Zoomit icon appears next to your bank account in your Internet Banking application, it means that a document is available.

When you click on this icon for the first time, you will be asked to accept the Zoomit conditions.

Step 1: You accept the specific Zoomit terms of use of your bank. Step 2: You accept the Zoomit conditions of the issuer of the document as described below.

On the screen you can read more information about the Zoomit service and about the terms and conditions.

Tick the box before the sentence 'I want to receive document from Company via Zoomit and I accept the terms and conditions.' Click on the Confirm button.

Viewing by third parties : Please indicate whether you agree or not to share your documents with other people authorized to act on the account by choosing Yes or No. By default No is activated.

Set your preferences and decide which e-mail address you want to use to receive warnings when a new document is waiting for you in Zoomit. E-mail address: Please state the e-mail address to which Zoomit can notify you of the arrival of a new document.

Frequency : determine when you would like to have a warning by e-mail : each time a new document arrives, once a week or never.

Click on the button Confirm and consult the document. The digital document will open in PDF and will just be the same as the paper version. If you have questions about the content of the invoice or pay slip, please contact the issuer. Attention: If the screen below appears, just confirm that you have the agreement to open and read documents on behalf of the person mentionned.

I have chosen another bank. What about Zoomit?

If you choose another bank, Zoomit documents can be sent to your new bank account number. Contact the issuer of the invoice who will make sure that your Zoomit documents are sent to your new bank account. Do not forget to store your previous invoices and payslips on your PC or in any other storage media.

Notification via e-mail: what is it and how can I subscribe?

It is a message that you receive in your personal inbox to alert you of the reception of a new document in your Internet Banking application. When you use Zoomit for the first time, you must mention if you wish to benefit from this service and also indicate the e-mail address to which you want the notifications to be sent. It is always possible to modify these personal settings later via E-mail configuration in the screen My personal data.

Though I use Zoomit and pay my invoices regularly, Zoomit is telling me that I have unpaid invoices. Why?

As soon as new documents are available in your Internet Banking application, Zoomit notifies you, even if you have chosen not to use Zoomit. It is thus an informative message and you are free to use or not Zoomit.

If you agree with the invoices that are waiting that still haven't been paid, you can do it via the pre-filled transfer bulletin in Internet Banking. The status " To be treated" will automatically be changed to "Payment encoded".

If exceptionnally you have already paid an invoice via a different method such as:

  • manual encoding in your Internet banking application
  • directly at the counter of your banking agency
  • via a bank terminal

the status 'To be treated' stays unchanged in Zoomit. You can then modify the invoice payment status yourself. To do this, please follow the following steps :

  • Connect yourself onto your Internet Banking application.
  • Click on the Zoomit icon
  • Select the invoice for which you would like to modify the payment status.
  • Click on the Relative information to the payment icon
  • In the Payment status box, select Modify.
  • In the Modify status box, select Payment done and add the payment date and possibly a comment.
  • Click on Confirm.

Return to Zoomit's home page and the status of the document will have changed from 'To be treated' to 'Payment encoded'. This manual modification will not have any consequence over the payment of the invoice.

When Zoomit proposes an invoice to be paid, no need to encode it manually into your Internet Banking application. The transfer bulletin is pre-filled in for you. All you need to do it approve or refuse it. The payment status will thus be automatically modified.

Who should I contact if I do not agree with the content of a invoice?

Take immediate contact with the sender of the invoice if you have questions about:

  • the contents of the invoice
  • the amount or wrong details
  • wrong data
  • payment method
  • address
  • addressee
  • promotions
  • the reception of the invoice
  • not received
  • received twice

Open the document on question and look at the issuer’s details: these details are always grouped in the top part of the invoice (telephone number, e-mail address, website, etc.).

Your bank and Zoomit have no access to the contents of your documents.

I have never used Zoomit and Zoomit is telling me that I have unpaid invoices. How come?

As soon as new documents are available in your Internet Banking application, Zoomit notifies you, even if you have chosen not to use Zoomit. It is thus an informative message and you are free to use or not Zoomit.

When you receive an invoice, Zoomit will inform you at the moment of reception that the status is "To be paid". The status "To be paid" will automatically be modified when you pay the transfer via the prefilled transfer form in your Internet Banking.

If you wish not - or no longer- to use Zoomit, make sure that you unsubscribe from the Zoomit service with each sender.As soon as new documents are available in your Internet Banking application, Zoomit notifies you, even if you have chosen not to use Zoomit. It is thus an informative message and you are free to use or not Zoomit.

I don't want to see the Zoomit icon in my Internet Banking. What should I do?

Zoomit (the icon and content) is automatically present in your Internet Banking application and notifies you that documents are available. You can not delete this service: the logo and the Zoomit screens will remain. On the other hand make sure that you have unsubscribed correctly from each sender.

What does the payment status mean in Zoomit? Is it possible to modify it?

The payment status in Zoomit is for information only and indicates whether you have paid an invoice or statement via Zoomit or whether it is a direct debit. This does not mean that you don't have to pay anymore, because only the issuer knows whether you have paid everything correctly. On the other hand, you may already have paid the invoice using another means (i.e. not via Zoomit), which means that the status is 'To be treated'. If this is the case, you can modify the status manually.

To make a manual modification, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Open your Internet Banking application and click on the Zoomit icon that appears next to your bank account.
  • In the My Documents > Summary section, select the document for which you wish to modify the payment status.
  • In the grey box to the left of the Zoomit screen, click on the Information relating to the payment icon.
  • In the Payment Status box, select Modify in the Comments column (only possible if the status is To be treated).
  • In the Modify Status window, tick Payment made and enter the date of payment (figures only). Then confirm the procedure.

Explanations about payment status icons:

  • To be treated: Invoice, new or already viewed, for which no payment was made via Zoomit.
  • Payment encoded: Invoice for which:
    • either the sender has initiated payment (e.g. direct debit or payment in your favour)
    • or you have registered a payment at the bank (by transfer)
    • or you have modified the status manually.
  • Paid: Confirmation by the sender that the invoice has been paid and that the amount has been debited from your bank account. Your bank statement will record this withdrawal. Note: this is an optional service on the part of your sender.
  • Cancelled: Invoice for which the sender has cancelled the payment (e.g. the amount had to be added to a subsequent invoice).