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Transferring money

Can I use my savings account to do transfers?

Your savings account cannot be used to do transfers to third parties, due to legal reasons. For example, you cannot pay invoices using your savings account. You can, however, transfer money from your savings account to another current account in your own name at Keytrade Bank.

Which internal money transfers are possible and how long does it take?

If you want to transfer an available amount on your current account to your savings account or the other way around, the transfer will be executed in real time. If you want to transfer an amount from your trading account to your current or savings account, the transfer will be executed in real time. Please take into account the entry of the statement (the following working day). For instance: Today you sell shares X. If you do a transfer to your current account, this can only be executed after the statement of the execution has been generated. You can check this in the history of your trading account. Please pay attention to the application of value dates (tariffs), which might cause debit interests.

Is the available amount in another currency than EUR, please convert this first to EUR, as you can only carry out online transfers in EUR. Please pay attention to the application of value dates (tariffs), which might cause debit interests.

How do I put money on my savings account?

There are different possibilities:

  • You can come to our office to put an amount on your savings account. Attention: our office is open every working day from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m.
  • You can wire money from an account with another bank to your savings account with Keytrade Bank.
  • You can transfer money online from your current-, or trading account with Keytrade Bank to your Keytrade Bank savings account.

How do I do cash withdrawals from my savings account?

Your money is always available. You can transfer an amount on line from your savings account to your current account with Keytrade Bank. From your current account you can transfer this amount further to for instance the account of a third person. Due to legal reasons you can only transfer money from your savings account to another account in your name with Keytrade Bank. If you have a bank card, you can also withdraw money from ATMs in Belgium and abroad.

Which value date is used?

You will receive interest from the day after the deposit. At a withdrawal of money you will get interest up to and including the day before the withdrawal.