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Credit card costs

What charges are associated with a credit card?

Within the Euro area

  • Payments : FREE
  • Cash withdrawals : FREE

Outside the Euro area

  • Payments : 1.40% change costs
  • Cash withdrawals : 2EUR + 0.40% of the withdrawn amount + 1.40% change costs
  • Opposition in case of lost, stolen or fraudulent use of the card: FREE
  • Replacement of a lost, stolen or defect card: FREE
  • New PIN code: FREE

How much does the credit card cost?

Your credit card is free for the first year and as long as you use it 12 times a year. If the 12 transactions are not reached in the previous year, you will have to pay the following amount depending on the type of VISA card you have: 25EUR /year for a VISA Classic, 50EUR /year for a VISA Gold and 150EUR /year for a VISA Platinum. Tip: check your credit card transaction counter on your banking dashboard on the transactional site

How to know if the credit card is still free of charge? How to know if the 12 transactions or more have been reached?

At any time, you can find out the number of transactions made during the current year via a counter on the dashboard of the transactional site. If the counter is at 12 or more, it means that your card will be free the following year. The counter also indicates when the free period will end.