Looking back on 2023

Thierry Ternier
CEO Keytrade Bank
December 18, 2023
4 minutes to read
Dear client,
Allow me to wish you all the best for the holidays and for next year in the name of all 350 employees of our bank. May 2024 bring you your heart’s desire.
As bankers, we are sometimes deliberately taking the opposite direction of a lot of our colleagues slash competitors. No, you will not get yearly cost increases at our bank. Instead we are treating our clients with 1 million euros in 5 cents deposited. A couple of cents per transaction is symbolic, but if you add it all up, it becomes quite an amount. We are not completely unbiased of course, we think these 5 cents are exemplary of our view on banking. We admit it: our marketing department is leaving no stone unturned to underpin our freer way of banking.
When we look back on 2023, we can only describe it as ‘The year of the return of … the return’.
The interest rates are back. End of last year we were one of the first to resuscitate the interest rates on savings. And this year, we continued this with 3 significant increases. It goes without saying that we didn’t feel challenged when our Minister of Finances or and a part of the press was talking about the banks that were lagging behind. Yet, we were already ahead.
Nobody knows with any certainty how the savings interest rates will evolve. However, we will always try to make you and your money happier. You can count on us. Were we overtaken by joy in September when the State Note returned in full force? Allow me not to go deeper into that. 😊 Nevertheless, our teams have made the online subscription possible in record time.
Don’t worry, our list of resolutions and project for 2024 is pretty stacked. We of course acknowledge that there are points that can or even should be improved and that our work for you is never done.
Let me thank you again and also (y)our Keytrade bank team for its dedication. Without you and without them, there is no Keytrade Bank.
Best Wishes
Thierry Ternier