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More about the Global Analyzer PREMIUM

What is the difference between the free version (BASIC) of the Global Analyzer and the paying version (PREMIUM)?

The PREMIUM Global Analyzer is a complete report of analysis which is comparable to a research note established by a broker or by a financial analyst. It contains a detailed and clear analysis, illustrated with graphs, tables and a conclusion. A PREMIUM report contains on average of 3 to 4 pages. The BASIC Global Analyzer is a mini-report where you only have the conclusion of the PREMIUM report.

How can I access the PREMIUM Global Analyzer ?

Each Keytrade Bank client has automatic and free access to the Global Analyzer BASIC. In addition, each client has free access to the PREMIUM Global Analyzer for shares they hold in their Keytrade portfolio. This access is also automatic. For unlimited access to the PREMIUM Global Analyzer, you have to indicate it in "Your preferences" on the secure website of Keytrade Bank. Go to Preferences > Global Analyzer.

How is the PREMIUM version invoiced?

For the unlimited use of the PREMIUM Global Analyzer, the monthly cost is 20EUR . This cost has to be paid at the end of every calendar month. It means that if for example you activate the PREMIUM Global Analyzer on April 20th, you will be able to use the PREMIUM service only 10 days and will also have to pay 20,00EUR for these 10 days.

Every month started counts for a whole month. When you stop your subscription, it will be cancelled the month following your request.

The monthly 20EUR fee will be credited on your trading account.

The monthly 20EUR fee will not be charged if you have executed at least three stock exchange transactions in that month.

How may I stop my subscription to the PREMIUM Global Analyzer?

In case you would like to stop your PREMIUM subscription, go to Preferences > Global Analyzer on the secure website of Keytrade Bank. There, you need to click on Cancel. Your subscription will be cancelled the month following your request.