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Bonds - orders, offer and taxes

Can I enter limit orders? Limit orders can be entered for bonds that can be traded online. Limit orders cannot be entered for bonds that can only be traded offline. Only market orders are accepted.

How many different bonds can be traded online on Keytrade Bank's trading platform? There are currently around 250 bonds that we quote in real time and that can be traded online. This range will be systematically expanded.

What criteria were used to select the bonds? The current selection of online bonds is based on the following factors:

  • The quantity of supply and demand (bid and ask prices) must be sufficiently large. In other words, if we find that the quantity offered or requested is too small, the bond will not be included in the selection.
  • The reputation of companies is taken into account. If the company is little known or not at all, the bond will not be included in the selection.
  • We try to achieve a spread of supply both geographically and by sector.

Why do I have to sign a contract to see the Moody's Rating in the bond search module? This is a condition imposed on us by Moody's. However, you can always search for other criteria (type of coupon, maturity, etc.) without signing the contract. Please note: Moody's ratings do not guarantee a return of any kind.

What is meant by competition? The term "competition" does not refer to bonds issued by companies in the same sector, but rather to similar bonds. In other words, bonds that are comparable in terms of maturity, Moody's rating and yield.

How much is the withholding tax on Eurobond coupons? Keytrade Bank must withhold the statutory Belgian withholding tax (30%) on all coupon payments in Eurobonds. Non-residents may be exempt from Belgian withholding tax.

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