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The bank for today and tomorrow with a new website


Roel Vermeire

Content & PR manager Keytrade Bank

You've likely already noticed our revamped website. Although we realise it may not be high on many people's wishlists, we do hope you are happy with how it looks.

The makeover went well beyond purely cosmetic changes, with the entire project turning out to be more extensive than expected. People are quick to think a revamp is nothing more than using a different font, adding a few new photos here and there, and whipping up some extra content.

Well, it wasn't that simple. No, we had an ambitious wishlist:

  • A better search tool
  • More inspiration and information
  • More speed on a technical level
  • A fresher design
  • etc.

In the end, the team rebuilt our website from the ground up. You can compare their work to constructing an entirely new home while still living in another building. Does that mean we haven't done the budget-friendly thing of recycling existing components where possible and moving old furniture around a little? Of course we have. The project manager is a banker, so that was a given.

Looking back proudly on our work now, we can say it has been an intense but enjoyable task. In our opinion, our main showroom is the product of great teamwork, a great deal of patience, and litres of energy-boosting caffeinated drinks. It has a better, more modern and more elegant look.

This is hardly surprising, because our last major revamp was eight years ago. Even now, we don't consider our website to be 'finished' yet. Our team will continue to make improvements day in, day out.

As our customer, you deserve a bank for today and tomorrow. A bank that wants to keep improving its website and all its platforms by making them more user-friendly and more accessible.

You can rest assured that even with the new look and feel, we are a bank that pays its customers and is not afraid to come out and say that money does make you happy.

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