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2022: 840 000EUR in bonuses and (a higher interest rate on your savings account)


Roel Vermeire

Content & PR manager Keytrade Bank

It‘s highly understandable that you assess our 5 cents bonus per transaction as being a nice, symbolic gesture. Symbolic, because it will not make you rich. Nice, as this 5 cents is to be seen as in contrast to what some of our biggest colleagues/ competitors are charging as transaction costs. It is, as you know, not our style to yearly increase our banking costs and charges.

Quite the contrary, against the grain is what we aspire. Mind you that we hardly see this symbolic gesture as pocket money. With over 16 800 000 transactions of our clients it’s a lot of ‘change’, as it comes down to about 840 000EUR . An overly zealous cost accountant might want to erase this out of the books. Fortunately, the colleagues of our accounting department understand the intrinsic value of 5 cents and are not even thinking about it.

While your average shopping cart in 2022 became a lot more expensive, we made shopping in our enormous supermarket of funds free of charge by cutting our entry fee. While energy bills went through the roof, we did something quite similar. Yet to your advantage, as we increased the interest rates on our savings accounts. This resulted in a panicky chain reaction at some of our competitors as you probably noticed, also to your advantage.

Hopefully you will continue to value our symbolic reward of 5 eurocents in the future. From our side, we are not planning to suppress our innate generosity. In all fairness, we just want to be the honest and transparent choice of the price-conscious consumer.

Do you want to continue to see your trust rewarded in 2023? Be sure to stick around, as also this year money buys happiness at Keytrade Bank.

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