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Fund Battle Keytrade Bank

November mixed funds*

Keytrade Bank invites you to a debate between Funds Issuers. Debate Moderators during the night will be Danny Reweghs, editor-in-chief of Moneytalk and Gorik Nelissen, Head of Financial Markets at Keytrade Bank.

Evening Program

18u30 - 19u00 Welcome
19u00 - 20u00 Debate
20u00 - 20u30 Q&A session
20u30 - 21u30 Snacks and drinks

Fund battles

Mixed Fund in Ghent
Ethenea vs Amundi
10 november - 18u30

Novotel Gent
Gouden Leeuwplein 5
9000 Gent

Mixed Fund in Mechelen
Flossbach von Storch vs DNCA
19 november - 18u30

Martin's Patershof
Karmelietenstraat 4
2800 Mechelen


Lees het laatse artikel van



Flossbach von Storch


*By fund we mean 'collective investment undertakings' (CIU). CIU is a general term used for institutions that obtain their financial resources from the public and whose activities consist of managing a portfolio of financial instruments. The term fund comprises investment companies (bevek and bavek) as well as investment funds (such as collective investment funds) and their compartments.

This article does not contain any investment advice or recommendations, or financial analysis. Nothing in this document may be interpreted as information with a contractual value of any nature whatsoever. This document is solely intended to provide information. Keytrade Bank cannot be held liable for any decision made whatsoever on the basis of the information contained in this document, or for its use by third parties.