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Kempen International Funds Merclin Global Equity C1

1 142,50 EUR

NAV 25/04/2024

-13,96 EUR (-1,22%)

Evolution compared to the last NAV

Kempen International Funds



Rating 3
Minimum buy value

no minimum for KEYPLAN

Minimum sell value

no minimum for KEYPLAN



Regional split

Sectorial split

Major holdings 30/06/2022

Microsoft Corp 5,70%
Alphabet Inc A 5,69%
Berkshire hathaway inc b 4,84%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2,90%


Isin LU0379615668
Name Kempen International Funds Merclin Global Equity C
Total Assets 0 million
Fund type Equity fund
Ongoing charges 1,60%
Distribution fee -
Fund manager Degroof Petercam Asset Services S.A.
Fund manager since 22/08/2008
Legal type and nationality Investment company according to Luxembourg law
Financial Service Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg S.A.
Frequency Listing daily
Investment Horizon 3 to 5 years
Investment Category Shares (region) : World
European Passport Yes
Quote Currency EUR
Publication NV
Duration undetermined

Registration and reception of the requests of issue/redemption/change of sub-fund

Each subscription/redemption request of shares/units of the fund can be introduced and registered through our Transaction Site. On each working day, Keytrade Bank centralizes all these requests placed from 11h30 (Belgian time) of the previous day (D-1) or the previous working day until 11h30 of D-day and sends them immediately to its correspondent who on his turn sends them for execution at 13h. The order introduced and registered before 11h30 via our Transaction Site will be executed at the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the same day (D), of the following day (D+1), the next following day (D+2) or weekly (until D+7), depending on the conditions for the subscription and the redemption of shares/ units (especially the cut-off time) mentioned in the prospectus.

If the order is placed and registered after 11h30, the order will be sent for execution the following working day.

Requests for changes of sub-fund are not possible at Keytrade Bank.


Currency risk

Derivatives risk

Liquidity risk

Counterparty risk

Operational risk

Emerging markets risk

Equity risk

Volatility risk

Concentration risk

Sustainability risk

SRRI risk indicator 2

Lower risk
Higher risk
Potentially lower return
Potentially higher return
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7


2 The synthetic risk indicator gives an indication of the risk associated with investing in a fund. The scale goes from 1 (weakest risk, associated with a lower potential return) to 7 (highest risk, associated with a higher potential return). The lowest category does not indicate that the investment is risk free. The indicator is based on historical data and may possibly not be a reliable indication of the future risk profile of the fund. The type of risk is not a guarantee and may change over time. (you can find more information here)

Tariff structure

Stock exchange tax at redemption 1,32%, max 4000€
Withholding tax not applicable
Capital Gains Tax not applicable *
Entry fees 0 EUR
Exit fees 0 EUR **

It is possible this fund applies Swing Pricing. For more information, please read the prospectus.

For other, non-current costs that might be paid by the investor, we refer to the prospectus

The taxes that are mentioned apply to an average non-professional client-natural person, Belgian resident.

* 30% withholding tax on the realised gains on the fixed income part of the fund if the fund contains more than 10% of fixed income products

** If you transfer a fund/the funds of your Keyplan to your trading account before the end of the fifth year, you will have to pay fees of € 9.95 (per transferred fund).

Investment policy

Objectifs et politique d'investissement Objectif(s) Augmenter la valeur de votre investissement sur le long terme et surperformer l'indice de référence. Indice(s) de référence MSCI AC World Euro, un indice qui ne tient pas compte de facteurs ESG. Utilisation : comparaison de performance. Politique d'investissement Dans des conditions normales de marché, le compartiment investit principalement, directement ou indirectement via d'autres fonds, dans des actions de sociétés de pays de l'OCDE. Le compartiment peut recourir à des instruments dérivés afin de se couvrir contre des fluctuations de marché, de réduire ses coûts, voire générer des revenus supplémentaires. Processus d'investissement Dans le cadre d'une gestion active du compartiment, le gestionnaire utilise l'analyse et de marché afin d'identifier des titres présentant un potentiel de croissance supérieur au marché. La sélection et la pondération des actifs dans le portefeuille du compartiment, et donc sa performance, peuvent dévier significativement de l'indice de référence. Approche ESG Le gestionnaire intègre des critères Environnemental, Social, Gouvernance (ESG) tels que l'empreinte carbone, les conditions de travail, la gouvernance d'entreprise. Il favorise les sociétés avec un profil ESG élevé (approche "best-in-class") et exclut les sociétés qui ne se conforment pas aux normes internationales, comme les sociétés exposées de manière significative à des secteurs néfastes pour la société ou l'environnement. Catégorie SFDR Article 8. Devise de référence EUR

The investment policy of the fund is extracted from the KIID

If you have a complaint, please contact our Quality Care Service:

If the complaint is not handled to your full satisfaction, you may submit it to the Mediation Service Banks Credit Investments: -

1 Fund means «Undertaking for collective Investment». Undertaking for collective Investment is a general term used for different undertakings collecting money from the public and whose activity consists in managing an investment portfolio. The fund notion contains as well collective investment schemes in the form of an investment company (such as the Sicav or Sicafi) as the contractual funds (such as the Mutual Fund) and their sub-funds.

3 When you would like to have more information on the diamond rating of VWD, please click here.